• Question: whats your favourite film

    Asked by anon-217526 to Savannah, Philippe, Lucy, Joanna, Harrison, Edoardo on 13 Jun 2019.
    • Photo: Joanna Huang

      Joanna Huang answered on 13 Jun 2019:

      I really enjoyed Interstellar (and it’s physics related) 🙂 The film was super well made, and incorporated a lot of cool physics concepts that were pretty accurate!

    • Photo: Savannah Clawson

      Savannah Clawson answered on 13 Jun 2019:

      Joanna already stole my answer haha – Interstellar is a really good film! They really paid attention the the physics behind it when making it as well – the simulation used to make the black hole seen in the film is the most accurate simulation that’s ever been made to show what a black hole might look like and proper science papers have been written about it which is pretty cool. The film makers did use a bit of artistic license when showing the black hole in the film but its still pretty good! You might have heard that scientists recently took the first ever picture of a black hole too – here is a fun article comparing the picture that was taken to the black hole in Interstellar https://gizmodo.com/why-doesnt-the-black-hole-image-look-like-the-one-from-1833949289

    • Photo: Harrison Prosper

      Harrison Prosper answered on 14 Jun 2019:

      I was mesmerized by Stanley Kubrick’s 2001 A Space Odyssey. The last part is far too long, but the rest is just fantastic. What I like so much is the attention to detail and the glorious, optimistic, vision of mankind’s future, in spite of the rather unfortunate homicidal tendencies of the AI system HAL!

    • Photo: Lucy Budge

      Lucy Budge answered on 14 Jun 2019:

      I think my favourite film would have to be a french one called Les Choristes. It’s definitely a feel-good film and the music is beautiful! We used to watch it in french lessons at school at the end of term, and it’s probably the only DVD I actually own (because I can’t find it to watch anywhere online!)

    • Photo: Philippe Gambron

      Philippe Gambron answered on 14 Jun 2019:

      This is not related to physics at all. It’s Goodfellas.

    • Photo: Edoardo Vescovi

      Edoardo Vescovi answered on 14 Jun 2019:

      Toss a tech gismo in sci-fi action and you get the job done!
