• Question: what is the defintion for biodiversity

    Asked by anon-217277 to Savannah on 10 Jun 2019.
    • Photo: Savannah Clawson

      Savannah Clawson answered on 10 Jun 2019:

      Biodiversity literally means biological diversity – it is the variety of life on Earth, in all of its forms and all of its interactions. I am not a biologist so I am not really qualified to talk about this but I like to think of biodiversity as a big web, where different species are connected to each other through many different interactions. If you break one strand of the web, it will have an immediate effect on the parts of the web that were directly connected to this strand. These areas might then go on to break and eventually the whole web could fall apart. This is the same for biodiversity – it is extremely difficult to predict what the effect of one small change in one ecosystem could have on other ecosystems and the species in it. This is why we must be careful to protect our environment and try to reduce the impact that we have around us so as not to upset the natural balance of the planet.
